Discovering Historical Fiction Books Again


Discovering Historical Fiction Books by Genealogy Girl Talks

Recently I've rediscovered so many things in my life. Maybe it's a slowing down with age. Maybe it's a change in thinking. Maybe it's my desire to simplify my life. I'm not certain what it is, but I do know that recently I've rediscovered my love of reading and books. (Oh, and knitting... but I'll save that for another time).

During the last few years I've come to discover how much I love historical fiction. To be more specific WWII historical fiction.

While my GoodReads TBR is growing in leaps and bounds I have been able to finish a few already this year. 

There are too many historical fiction books that I want to read and my plan is to share those titles (and my personal reviews and recommendations) with you here.

Are you an historical fiction reader? What are your favorites? What books are you looking forward to reading?

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